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Organizational Overview

County of Orange Social Services Agency

The County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) employs over 4,000 dedicated and hard working staff.  SSA administers federal, state and County social services programs that protect children and adults from abuse or neglect; enable the frail and disabled to remain in their homes rather than being institutionalized; move eligible families from dependency to self-sufficiency; and, provide benefits for eligible CalWORKs, CalFresh, Refugee, General Relief and Medi-Cal recipients. 

The Agency is comprised of the following four divisions:  Assistance Programs (AP); Children & Family Services (CFS); Family Self-Sufficiency & Adult Services (FSS-AS); and Administrative Services. (Refer to SSA Organization Chart). In addition, vital links to the community and public partners have been established to assist with the provision of services.

In ensuring that public resources are planned, managed and used effectively to make a positive impact on county residents, SSA $1.1 billion expended $847,315,709 of which $798,772,881 (94%) was funded by Federal and State revenues and $48,542,828 (6%) from Net County Cost in FY 2015/16. Meanwhile, for information on SSA Fiscal Year 2019-20, click on SSA budget webpage.

SSA assists over one-in-four Orange County residents, from newborns to the elderly. The services SSA provides impact the health, safety and well-being of children, adults with disabilities, seniors and families. SSA works with children, adults and families to support their efforts for achieving self-sufficiency.


An Tran, Director, Social Services Agency

An Tran
County of Orange
Social Services Agency


Orange County residents will enjoy a safe and supportive environment that promotes stability and self-reliance.


To deliver quality services that are accessible and responsive to the community, encourage personal responsibility, strengthen individuals, preserve families, and protect vulnerable adults and children.

Goals & Outcomes

The following primary goals have been identified to reflect the desired result the Agency intends to achieve in carrying out its mission.  Corresponding primary outcome indicators discern the level of impact SSA has on clients and the community. Specific objectives, strategies, and performance measures contained within the SSA Business Plan delineate operational priorities for achieving success through leadership and teamwork.

  1. To lead and support a shared community responsibility for the safety and well-being of vulnerable children and adults through the provision of child and adult abuse prevention, intervention, and protective services.

    • Percent of child welfare services performance measures that exceed the State outcome target with emphasis on safety, permanency, stability, and well-being.

    • Number of adult abuse reports received from financial institutions.

  2. To provide services for helping vulnerable adults and children receive needed health care, food, shelter, and clothing.

    • Number of adults and children with Medi-Cal coverage.

  3. To contribute to the reduction of individuals living below the poverty level by providing assistance and supportive services that promotes employment opportunities and family self-sufficiency.

    • Percent of CalWORKs participants fully engaged in employment, education, and/or service activities.

  4. To provide SSA staff and its partners with the resources, training, and administrative support needed for delivering professional, efficient, responsive, and mandated services to residents of Orange County.

    • Number of Orange County residents receiving mandated services from the Social Services Agency.

SSA recognizes that the achievement of these goals and improving outcomes is dependent on coordinating and supporting the collective efforts of many partners, which includes County and State agencies, contracted service providers, community and faith-based organizations, and the community.

Ensuring compliance with State and Federal program mandates for providing social services is a primary focus of the Agency. Regulations specify the types of services; amounts of assistance benefits; time frames for delivery of services and/or benefits; accuracy levels that must be maintained in administering programs; and Statewide statistical measurements for tracking performance. The mandates, laws, and regulations governing programs administered by the Agency are subject to frequent changes due to Federal and State legislative and government agency actions; funding reductions; and sometimes court rulings.

These changes present many challenges and often require major changes in the service environment. SSA is dedicated to meeting the challenges and responding positively to the ever-changing service environment. SSA is proud of our record this past year in complying with all program mandates.

Social Services Annual Report

Download the County of Orange Social Services Agency Annual Report

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